Pros: I have been using Foxit reader for a really long time and must admit that it has managed to evolve without actually ditching it lightweight features and clean user interface it has been known for. Most people tend to believe that pdf files are usually always clean (virus free). This is not true. The makers of Foxit reader realizes this and added some security-related features, such as Safe Reading Mode to ensure that suspicious script will not be triggered when you launch your pdf files as well as add/Verify Digital Signature, Sign PDF Documents, Disable JavaScript. These security features have saved me a number of times and are my favourite features in it. I like that I can Install extension for Foxit Reader PDF Printer and use it to delete pages I don't want during print. Foxit reader can be easily used to create and fill pdf forms and even used to merge pdf files (I actually use this function a lot). It effortlessly handles workings with all pdf files for your peace of mind. They even have the portable version you can install on a pen drive and use everywhere your pen drive is inserted. Unlike most other free readers, it allows you to create PDFs and participate in a shared review with your workgroup.
- Foxit Phantom Pdf Review

Aug 14, 2017 Foxit Reader is a PDF reader – and much more. As well as providing a way to view PDF files, the program can also be used to create this type of file, sign PDFs, and add annotations.

Cons: Foxit reader cannot be used for PDFs that contain Flash animations or 3D CAD drawings and It also lacks OCR capability which I consider a really big constraint. Additionally, when installing Foxit reader software for the first time or during an upgrade, you will do well to read the installation process carefully before clicking next to avoid installing unwanted items which can change your system settings and install unnecessary toolbars in your browsers and desktop.
Foxit Phantom Pdf Review
Overall: I use Foxit reader for personal and official purposes and prefer it as my default Portable document files (pdf) viewer because the installation is quick and the software usage is painless, straightforward and lightweight while being very fast.